Friday, December 23, 2011

The role of Islam and controversies

Israel was founded in 1948, making it a target for Arab armies who did not agree with having a Jewish state near them. The founding of this Israel created some problems with the Jewish and Arab ancestors from Abraham. Five Arab armies decided to attack Israel on May 14, 1948 with the intent to let Israel know that they did not want to allow the Jews a state. In our modern day Israel, Islam plays a big role in their societies. Islam is known to be the second largest religious group in Israel. 

Sharia is present in Israel to a certain degree. The Israeli people who are Jewish do not follow the Sharia law but the Muslims that live in Israel do. Most of these Muslims that live in Israel are Sunni Arabs. An example of the Sharia is with marriage. "Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their own religious authorities. The religious authority for Jewish marriages performed in Israel is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Rabbinical courts."  While with the Muslim communities "Muslim marriages are conducted in accordance with Islamic law and customs, and inter-community marriages are not permitted. Sharia courts deal with personal status issues in the Muslim community." (, December 23, 2012) 

Arabs in Israel have been settled down and are mostly known to live in East jerusalem and Golan Heights, although there are Arabs that live in other areas. They do have the right to vote in Israel and have the right to government services. There are the main political parties of Arabs that are located through out Israel, the Hadash, Balad, and United Arab list. 

Land has been a major religious controversy over the Jews and Arabs. According to The Torah the children of God were promised the Land of Canaan. Although they claim to own that land Muslims also believe that they have rights to it. According to the Quran "Contrary to the Jewish claim that this land was promised only to the descendants of Abraham's younger son Isaac, they argue that the Land of Canaan was promised to all descendants of Abraham, including his elder son Ishmael, from whom Arabs claim descent." (Wikipedia, December 23, 2011)

References: "Arab-Israeli conflict," Wikipedia. Last modified December 22, 2011.–Israeli_conflict

"Arab citizens of Israel," Wikipedia. Last modified December 23, 2011.

"11. Gog, Magog, Israel and Islam," Islam & World Events. Accessed December 23, 2011.

"Marriage in Israel," Wikipedia. Last modified December 15, 2011.

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